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Last Voyage of the Ghazali

Last Voyage of the Ghazali is an action-packed scenario for the award-winning Coriolis – The Third Horizon roleplaying game. It can be played as a prologue to the Mercy of the Icons campaign. Contents of the 72-page booklet:

  • An intense race against time in three acts onboard an old luxury cruise liner.
  • Floor plans of the Ghazali.
  • Floor plans of the Fatima’s Bounty freight ship.
  • A description of the Hamura system.

Downloadable PDF included in purchase!

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The colony in the Taoan system transmits a distress call and goes silent. On Coriolis station, the factions scramble to put together a rescue mission focused on the Ghazali, a decommissioned cruise liner. The PCs are members of the rescue team and put on ice before the jump to Taoan, but something goes terribly wrong before they reach their destination. They wake up to alarms in the darkness on a crippled ship. What has happened? Can they survive the last voyage of the Ghazali?

Read more about Coriolis

“The game's authors describe it as ‘Arabian Nights in space’ and it fulfills that brief marvelously. Style 5/5, Substance 5/5.”

RPG.NET Review

"Coriolis is definitely a very intriguing space opera roleplaying game with a fresh and original setting."

Stargazers World

Judge's Spotlight Award 2017

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