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Alien RPG

Foundry VTT Module – Colonial Marines

This is a digital version of the Colonial Marines Operations Manual for the Foundry Virtual Tabletop. A Foundry Virtual Tabletop base license is required for use. Check the package page for current module compatibility. This purchase will give you an activation code to be activated through your Foundry account. Afterwards you will be able to download and access the module via the Foundry application.

The Colonial Marines Operations Manual is a complete campaign module for the award-winning ALIEN roleplaying game, giving you all the tools you need to run a full open-world campaign as the iconic Colonial Marines. This module contains:

  • 181 journal entries (full manual and seven missions, a new system journal, including index journals for players, the GM and missions.
  • 113 item entries (armor, weapons, equipment, systems, talents, military specialties and vehicle weapons).
  • 136 actor entries (creatures, NPCs, territories and vehicles).
  • 12 rolltables (creature attacks and GM tables including mission generators).
  • 31 scenes (GM aids and maps for the seven missions).

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Armor piercing rounds sizzle through raw flesh as plasma beams sear swollen retinas. Acrid smoke chokes down your throat before you realize what’s burning is you. Chemical attacks melt your armor, simmer your eyeballs, and fuse your helmet to your skull, while bioweapons turn your insides out and pulp you into a quivering mound of black jelly.

Welcome to war on the razor edge of space, marine—where nukes are yesterday’s news, pulse rounds are cheap and a human life is only worth its weight in stock options. It’s a living hell—but none of that’s as bad as the flashes of gnashing metal teeth that terrorize you every time you try to close your eyes—like some monster just split your head open and crawled inside your dreams.

Sometimes you’ve gotta wonder what the hell it’s all for.

But no one pays you to ask why, only to follow orders. You’re just a grunt—no offense. So lock and load your pulse rifle, marine—you’ve got a job to do. Protect and serve the citizens and colonies of the Outer Rim—no matter what the cost.

™ & © 2021 20th Century Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

Read more about Alien RPG

“Move over, Dungeons & Dragons, Swedish publisher Free League has released Alien: The Roleplaying Game, and it is as great as it is terrifying.”


“Free League Publishing has knocked it out of the orbit. It’s an interstellar masterpiece that honors the Alien legacy and builds on the stories that made the series great. It’s a sci-fi adventure that roleplaying fans will surely love, and it’s an accessible system for anyone interested in a good story and a rollicking good time.”


“The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying game that can conjure up that same pitch-dark dread from the safety of your kitchen table.”


Awarded with Gold ENNIE 2020 for Best Game.

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