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Forbidden Lands

The Bloodmarch Bundle

This bundle contains a The Bloodmarch campaign book and The Bloodmarch Map & Cards Pack at a discounted bundle price.

A complete PDF of this product is included in your purchase and will be sent to you via DrivethruRPG.

Read more about Forbidden Lands

“It’s like somone took hazy childhood memories of a classic D&D game and mixed them with a dash of bleak Scandinavian darkness.”

Tabletop Magazine

“Superbly packaged, Forbidden Lands is a pleasing combination of ‘Old School’ nostalgia and fast, simple mechanics with unobtrusive narrative elements designed to bring aspects of the character into play. Its setting offers scope for the player characters to develop not just personally, but also in terms of their place in the world.”

Reviews from R’lyeh

“This may be the most perfect role-playing game product I’ve ever seen.”

Plot Points RPG Podcast

Winner of four ENNIE Awards 2019

Best Cartography
Best Production Values
Best Rules
Best Setting

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